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Isobel Peck

Isobel PeckChief Customer Experience Officer

Isobel Peck’s career at Informa (formerly IIR) spans over 30 years and she is currently Informa Connect’s Chief Customer Experience Officer. Throughout this time, Isobel has undertaken various roles including leading Informa Connect’s digital transformation programme as part of Informa’s Growth Acceleration Plan 1 and, during the Covid pandemic, driving digital strategy in the transition from primarily physical events to digitally-enabled live and on-demand experiences.

Isobel has a strong track record of cultivating growth, innovation, and brand excellence across multiple disciplines including data, content management, digital insights and customer experience. Isobel has been part of Informa Connect’s senior leadership team since 2014.

As an instrumental figure in Informa Connect’s transformation from a fragmented business to a better connected business today, Isobel harnesses her commercial expertise to lead her teams forward in their missions.

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